Australia PR Visa through Global Talent Independent Program

Australia PR Visa through Global Talent Independent Program

Alisha Khan Alisha Khan
[Published 31 Mar, 2022 | 02:12 PM]
About Author - 9 min read

The Global Talent Independent Program offers a prioritized and smooth Australia PR Visa route to talented and highly skilled individuals. It was launched in November 2019. This program has been designed for attracting top skilled immigrants to Australia from specific sectors. It functions via an extra layer of the Subclass 858 Global Talent Visa.

The Department of Home Affairs in Australia assumes a highly active role in the GTI Program through GTOs – Global Talent Officers in major overseas locations. GTOs offer an invitation to apply for the Australia Visa to chosen candidates. They work in collaboration with nations in their regions and participate in crucial expos/events for promoting the program.

If you are interested in GTI for Australia immigration, you have to file an EOI - Expression of Interest with the DHA to receive an invitation to apply for the program. You will be offered a distinct identifier and an ITA for Global Talent Visa if you are successful in the application. Your Australia immigration application will also be processed on priority in 1 or 2 months. For 2021-22 the immigration intake for the program is 15,000 Visas.

The DHA is also seeking to aim at specific student cohorts in research with international recognition and appropriate for the 10 targeted sectors. It includes the candidates who have completed their Doctoral Degree recently in the past three years.

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The Distinguished Talent Stream

Globally reputed Researchers/Academics, Artists, and Athletes can apply through this stream which has an intake of 200 applications annually. It has two sub-categories under it:

  • Subclass 858 Visa: You are required to be present in Australia during the decision for the Visa
  • Subclass 124 Visa: You must be present overseas during the approval of the Visa

Global Talent Visa Stream

The Global Talent Visa of Australia seeks to attract candidates having a globally accredited record of outstanding and exceptional accomplishment in a Sport, Profession, Arts or Research, and Academia. Global Talent Independent Program makes use of the Research and Academia or Profession stream of the Visa.

The applicants are required to be currently prominent in their field and be an asset to the community in Australia. They must prove that they can easily obtain a job or establish themselves independently in the area. They are also required to have a nomination from nationally reputed individuals or organizations in Australia in the area.

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Eligibility for the Global Talent Independent Program

To qualify for the GTI Program, you are required to:

  • Be qualified in any one of the targeted 10 sectors for the Program
  • Have a globally accredited record of outstanding and exceptional accomplishments in your field
  • Be in a position to earn a salary on par with FWHIT - Fair Work High Income Threshold which currently is AUD 158, 500; or
  • Have accomplished the Doctoral Degree in the last 3 years
You will not be able to qualify for the program if you do not fulfill the above criteria.

The 10 target sectors under the Global Talent Independent Program

A formal definition of the 10 targeted sectors under the GTI program is not available. However, Direction-89 departs from the original 7 targeted sectors majorly pertaining to technology. It emphasizes more on other priority sectors of the DHA and reduces the emphasis on the Tech sector. The following are the 10 target sectors:

  • Energy
  • Health Industries
  • Agri-food and Agri-Tech
  • Digi-Tech
  • Defense, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
  • Tourism
  • Financial Services and FinTech
  • Circular Economy
  • Education
  • Infrastructure

The Application Process

As a part of the application process for the Global Talent Independent Program, you have to first file an EOI with the DHA. It must consist of a CV, Covering Letter, and proof supporting your claimed accomplishments.

After assessing the referral, the DHA provides you with a Unique Identification Number along with a code. You can then file an application for the Australian Visa under this program. DHA also has launched the Immi-Account System for filing applications for the GTI Program.

The advantages of the GTI Program:

Advantages of the Global Talent Independent Program

  • You are offered to process of your Visa application on a priority
  • The program does not specify an age ceiling for the applicants
  • You do not require an employer in Australia to offer you a job sponsorship
  • Global Talent Visa is not a point-based Australia Visa
  • Exceptional proficiency in English is not required, only 4.5 bands score on IELTS or similar tests are needed
  • You can reside overseas or in Australia while filing the application
  • You are permitted to reside as a Permanent Resident in Australia
  • You have the liberty to reside and work in any location in Australia
  • You can register in the public health care program in Australia
  • Your children can obtain a free public education

Nominator for GTI Program

You will require to be endorsed by a nominator for filing the Australia PR Visa application under the GTI Program. The nominator must possess national repute in the field as that of yours and must be either of the following:

  • A qualified Permanent Resident or Citizen of Australia
  • A qualified Citizen of New Zealand
  • An organization in Australia having national standing in your area of talent

Who can be a nominator?

The following can be a nominator for the GTI Program application:

  • Employer
  • An academic colleague
  • An industry colleague
  • An industry body
Candidates with a focus on technology not having a nominator will be nominated by the ACS - Australian Computer Science Society. They have to first receive the unique identification number and share it with the ACS for instructions regarding the further process. The candidates also have to fulfill the character, health, integrity, and security requirements that are applicable to all applicants under GTI Program.

Global Talent Employer-Sponsored Visa

GTES Visa is for candidates who are highly and globally talented in their skills and are not covered through the TSS – Temporary Skills Shortage Program. It is also known as the Australia Subclass 482 Work Visa. This stream permits employers in Australia to sponsor foreign workers for niche highly skilled positions that may not be filled through:

  • Australian workers; or
  • Other usual Visa pathways, particularly the Medium-term and Short-term stream of the Australia Subclass 482 Work Visa
The Australian employers must be in a position to prove that the position cannot be filled via currently skilled Visa pathways before the DHA enters into an agreement with them. Only then they will be able to sponsor overseas workers for the Subclass 482 Work Visa through the Global Talent Employer-Sponsored stream.

Common errors in GTI Program application

The following are the common errors committed by applicants of the Global Talent Independent Program:

A. Filing incomplete EOIs

  • Not offering evidence supporting your achievements
  • Omitting inclusion of a specific document due to hurry
  • Providing inadequate documents
The Global Talent Independent Program is a highly competitive program that aims to attract the brightest and best global talents. The EOI has to thus be successful in making the best possible first impression.

B. Providing highly dense and/or technical data

GTI Program inevitably attracts individuals who have accomplished outstanding work in innovative and unique areas. While several colleagues in their area can appreciate technicalities like the H & Q1 Index of 68 or scientific/Latin terms, the majority of others cannot. Usage of such a language will give a perplexing impression of your profile.

The GTOs assessing the EOIs are unlikely to have a similar technical background to the applicants. It is thus vital that you must make your profile as simple as possible. This means your accomplishment’s technical features must be simplified for being understood by common people.

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Processing time for Global Talent Independent Program

The processing times for GTI Program vary based on the stream. The approximate processing times as per the DHA are:

  • Distinguished Talent Stream – 20 to 17 months
  • Global Talent Stream – 88 to 65 days

How Nationwide Visas can help with your GTI Program application?

Global Talent Independent Program is an overseas talents-friendly initiative of Australia for attracting top global talents. We at Nationwide Visas receive a significant volume of queries about the program and have helped several candidates in their Australia immigration through it.

Immigration Advisors at Nationwide Visas have crucial experience in guiding and assisting diverse applicants from the technology and start-up sectors. We are thus equipped with the experience and knowledge for appropriate evaluation of your profile and conveying the importance of your skills sets, experience, and research to the DHA. It highly increases your chances of receiving the ITA for the Australia PR Visa and the Visa as well.

Get in touch us with today if you have any doubts or queries about the Global Talent Independent Program or require any assistance with your application.


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