Canada Spouse Visa - Requirements and diverse application streams

Canada Spouse Visa - Requirements and diverse application streams

Alisha Khan Alisha Khan
[Published 28 Oct, 2021 | 07:00 PM]
About Author - 9 min read

If you are a Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada, you can sponsor your spouse or partner to live permanently in Canada through the Canada Spouse Visa. The Government of Canada acknowledges the importance of families staying together. Accordingly, Canada Spouse Visa applications are given a high priority.

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The Requirements for Sponsoring the Canada Spouse Visa

If you are a Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada you may qualify for sponsoring your common-law partner or spouse. You must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Reside in Canada or intend to return to Canada after your partner or spouse becomes a Canadian Permanent Resident.
  • Be competent and agree to take care of the basic monetary needs of your partner or spouse for 3 years.

If you are wedded and seeking to sponsor your wife or husband, the following proofs will be expected by the Immigration Officers:

  • Sponsorship Evaluation and Relationship Information questionnaire.
  • Certificate of Marriage (Common-law if not wedded). 
  • Photos and Invitations of the wedding. 
  • Adoption records or birth certificates for any kids that you and your spouse have together. 
  • Evidence of marriage registration with the authority of government.

Also, a minimum of any two of the below documents:

  • Evidence of you and your spouse jointly owning a property.
  • Joint bank accounts.
  • Bills for utility having both of your names.
  • Copies of IDs issued by the government.
  • Insurance for Car.
  • Tax forms or pay stubs prove that both of you are residing at the same address.

Income requirements for sponsoring the Partner or Spouse

You do not have to exhibit a minimum income for sponsoring the partner or spouse unlike the majority of the other types of Canadian sponsorship. Nevertheless, when you sponsor your partner or spouse to Canada you have to provide a signature to an undertaking. In this, you have to pledge to offer monetary support for their essential needs.

The duration of the undertaking varies based on the sponsorship category. For sponsorship under spousal stream inclusive of spouses and conjugal or common-law partners, it is 3 years. This is from the date the individual sponsored obtains the status of Permanent Resident in Canada.

Common-law Sponsorships

Common-law relationships are considered on par with traditional marriages as per the immigration laws of Canada. You must demonstrate that you have stayed together as a couple for 1 or more years in a wedding-like relationship. Then your relationship can qualify for common-law sponsorship.

If you are seeking to sponsor your partner under common-law sponsorship, the following proofs will be expected by the Immigration Officers:

  • Sponsorship Evaluation and Relationship Information questionnaire.
  • Adoption records or birth certificates for any kids that you and your common-law partner have together.
  • Photos of you both demonstrating your conjugal relationship.
  • Evidence of having stayed together for a minimum of 1 year.

Also, a minimum of any two of the below documents:

  • Documents indicating that both of you are acknowledged as common-law partners like insurance or employment benefits.
  • Proof of shared expenses or financial support amongst you and your common-law partner.
  • Evidence of recognition for your relationship from friends and family (social media, emails, letters).

You can always find creative ways if you are unable to offer all the above documents. Explore ways for demonstrating your relationship and offer them. Sworn declarations or explanation letters from your friends and family can be used for attesting to your common-law status.

The ultimate verdict regarding your documents for the common-law relationship is the Visa Officer’s discretion. However, the volume of extra proof that you can provide enhances the chances of acceptance.

Conjugal Relationships

If you are seeking to sponsor your partner under Conjugal sponsorship, the following proofs will be expected by the Immigration Officers:

  • Common residence
  • Monetary support that is inclusive of shared bank accounts, mutual financial arrangements, etc.
  • Evidence of recognition for your relationship from friends and family

For both common-law and conjugal relationships, there exists nil lawful documentation or time period that proves the bond of commitment to each other. Alternatively, Immigration officials would anticipate evidence of major interpersonal and emotional ties. These must demonstrate you both being in a committed, serious relationship and intend to remain so for the long term.

Spousal Sponsorship - Outland

You must submit an application through the Outland Family Class Sponsorship if:

  • Your common-law partner or spouse resides overseas.
  • You are residing in Canada currently with the sponsor but plan to stay overseas while the application is being processed.

One disadvantage of this option is that staying with your spouse can be tough till the approval of your application. But your spouse can file an application for a Provisional Visa for arriving in Canada while their application for outland sponsorship is under process.

Spousal Sponsorship - Inland

You must submit an application through the Inland Family Class Sponsorship if:

  • You reside in Canada with the sponsor
  • Your immigration status in Canada is lawful
  • You intend to file an application for an Open Work Permit for working in Canada during the application process

If your common-law partner or spouse is in Canada out of status, still they can file an application under this category. This is also while being safeguarded by a public policy that permits them to remain in Canada till the full processing of the application. One drawback of this category is that the applicant has to restrain from traveling overseas during the processing of the application.

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Processing Times for Canada Spouse Visa applications

Applications for Canada Spouse Visa are normally processed in 12 months including the beginning to the final verdict. Usually, processing these applications in less than 12 months is not possible. However, it can take even longer based on the case type.

The delay in the processing of applications can be due to various reasons. This includes if your case is complicated or if the Visa Officer needs extra proof for your relationship.

You must ensure that your application is accurate and fully compliant in the first instance itself. This is the best way to make sure that your application for sponsorship is processed at the earliest.

Top Immigration Consultancy for Canada Visa

Are you looking to file an application for the Canada Spouse Visa? Nationwide Visas can offer you professional and expert assistance through our team of accredited Immigration Consultants. We have facilitated the processing of spousal sponsorship for thousands of applicants.

Your Canada Spouse Visa application can be prepared and presented in the best manner by availing of our competent immigration services. It can also minimize any doubts or queries that the Immigration Officers can have regarding the authenticity of your relationship.

Every spousal sponsorship application is as exclusive as the relationship itself. An experienced Consultant can assist you in filing the strongest possible application. If you wish to learn more regarding your spousal sponsorship options or how we can help you in bringing your dear ones to Canada, just take our online assessment that’s free!


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