Diverse Pathways To Obtain Canada Work Permits

Diverse Pathways To Obtain Canada Work Permits

Abhishek Rai Abhishek Rai
[Published 21 Feb, 2022 | 02:46 PM]
About Author - 9 min read

Hundreds of thousands of Canada Work permits are offered every year to talents across the globe. It reflects the pro-talent policy of Canada for supporting its social and economic objectives. IRCC offers these Canada Work Permits to enable overseas workers in catering to the labor market gaps.

Canada also offers Work Permits for social reasons like keeping together families in Canada and strengthening cultural relations with fellow nations. For supporting its diverse policy objectives, Canada has 100 plus pathways for Work Permits. These pathways fall under major immigration programs such as FSWP - Federal Skilled Worker Program, TFWP - Temporary Foreign Worker Program, and IMP - International Mobility Program. We will here consider TFWP and IMP pathways for obtaining Canada Work Permits.

Check Eligibility for Canada Work Permit

The TFWP and IMP

The TFWP aims to cater to the scarcity of workers in Canada. Employers have to prove that they are hiring overseas workers owing to the lack of appropriate Canadian workers. For proving this they have to complete the labor market test known as the LMIA - Labor Market Impact Assessment.

The Government of Canada has to then affirm that the recruitment of overseas workers will have a neutral or positive impact on the labor market in Canada. After this confirmation, the overseas worker can file an application for Canada Work Permit with Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada.

The IMP exists for advancing the diverse social and economic interests of Canada. You do not need an LMIA under the IMP. Eligible overseas workers can directly apply with IRCC for obtaining Canada Work Permits. A few overseas workers qualify for forgoing this step and arrive in Canada for working for the short term.

The various pathways under IMP result from several free trade agreements of Canada and domestic policy interests. Youth across the globe get the opportunity to work in Canada through IMP as a result of youth mobility pacts between Canada and other industrialized countries.

Obtaining Canada Work Permits under the TFWP

Employers in Canada can hire overseas workers temporarily through the TFWP under any of the following streams:

High-Wage Workers

If employers wish to hire overseas workers whose remuneration will be on par or higher than the hourly median wage in their territory or province, then they must apply through the High-wage workers stream under TFWP. They must first obtain an LMIA to prove their inability to find Permanent Resident or Citizen in Canada for the job.

The employer must inform the overseas worker after obtaining the positive LMIA report for the high-wage skilled position. The overseas worker has to apply for Canada Work Permit before the LMIA expires. The application requires a positive LMIA report from the employer and a formal signed contract of employment. The application for authorization to work in Canada can be through the Work Permit route or Permanent Residency based on their eligibility.

Low-Wage Workers

If employers wish to hire overseas workers whose remuneration will be lower than the hourly median wage in their territory or province, then they must apply through the Low-wage workers stream under TFWP. They must first obtain an LMIA to prove their inability to find Permanent Resident or Citizen in Canada for the job.

It must be noted here that employers have to fulfill certain conditions for ensuring workplace safety and the rights of overseas workers to apply for this stream.

The employer must inform the overseas worker after obtaining the positive LMIA report for the low-wage skilled position. The overseas worker has to apply for Canada Work Permit before the LMIA expires. The application requires a positive LMIA report from the employer and a formal signed contract of employment. The application for authorization to work in Canada can be through the Work Permit route or Permanent Residency based on their eligibility.

Global Talent Stream

Launched in June 2017 initially as a 2-year pilot program, the Global Talent Stream has today become a mainstay of the immigration strategy of Canada. The program is managed jointly by the IRCC and ESDC - Employment and Social Development Canada. Thousands of skilled overseas workers have immigrated to Canada successfully through GTS since its launch. Many more thousands are likely to arrive in Canada in the years ahead.

GTS helps specific employers in Canada to swiftly hire highly skilled global talents and to compete on the international level. Canada Work Permits through GTS are processed in as few as 14 days.

Foreign Agricultural Workers

Employers can hire overseas workers provisionally for filling certain positions in agricultural production through one of the agricultural streams under TFWP. There are 2 streams that help in the recruitment of overseas workers in the agricultural sector. For qualifying for either of the streams, the employer has to first ensure that they fulfill the following requirements: 

  • The Production has to be in distinct commodity sectors specified on the National Commodity List of Canada
  • The activity must be concerned with on-farm major agriculture for any one of the following NOC - National Occupation Classification Codes: 8611, 8432, 8431, 8255, 8252, 0822, and 0821 

If the employer fulfills the specified criteria, they can qualify for hiring overseas workers provisionally through the: 

  • Usual Agricultural Stream; or
  • The SAWP - Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program

Overseas Academics

The recruitment of overseas academics in Canada’s Post-secondary institutions can enhance their education quality. It can also enable these institutions to acquire global competitiveness when it comes to academic research. ESDC and IRCC have for this purpose designed diverse procedures for facilitating the hiring of overseas academics in Canada. 

In several instances, overseas citizens hired for research positions in Post-secondary institutions can be exempted from the requirement of an LMIA report or Canada Work Permits, or both. Those who do not qualify for such exemptions must ensure compliance with normal procedures for the recruitment of workers. 

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Global Skills Strategy

The Global Skills Strategy has been designed for facilitating speedy Canada Work Permits processing of candidates for specific positions. Accordingly, specific overseas nationals can qualify for processing of their Work Permits within 2 weeks. For qualifying for this, they must apply from overseas. Also, they must apply for a Work Permit by fulfilling either of the 2 requirements: 

  • Workers exempt from LMIA: Travelling to Canada for working in a position at Skill Level A or 0 in NOC
  • Workers who require LMIA: Having an affirmative LMIA report received through GTS of TFWP

Overseas nationals who fulfill either of these 2 criteria can submit an application for processing of their Canada Work Permits within 2 weeks. This has to be done through a digital application through the web portal of IRCC. Also, accompanying Common-law partners, Spouses, and dependent kids can file applications for Visitor Visas, Work Permits, and Study Permits. These applications will also be processed speedily. 

Obtaining Canada Work Permits under the IMP

The process of receiving the Work Permit through IMP can be led by the overseas worker or by the employer in Canada. If an employer has a job vacancy and an overseas worker qualifies through the IMP stream, the worker can be hired by the employer. Contrasting with the TFWP, an overseas worker who qualifies through IMP generally can work for any employer they choose. Nevertheless, there can be exceptions as well. 

Common grounds for qualifying to work in Canada through the IMP are:


Citizens of America and Mexico can qualify for facilitated processing while applying for Canada Work Permits. 

Intra-Company Transfers

This permits specific employers for transferring their workers to Canadian offices. 

Television and Film

Entertainment industry workers are welcomed by Canada for supporting its booming film and TV industry. 

Business Visitors

Overseas Workers who prove that they fulfill specific criteria can qualify for working in Canada without requiring a Work Permit. It includes remaining in Canada for less than 6 months and not entering the labor market in Canada. 

International Experience Canada

Canada has bilateral pacts with 30 plus nations that permit youth to obtain work experience in Canada. 

Bridging Open Work Permit

Qualified skilled workers residing in Canada can file an application for a BOWP during the processing of their application for Permanent Residency. Additionally, qualified Partners/spouses of Permanent Residents or Citizens of Canada can obtain BOWP if they are residing in Canada. 

Post-Graduation Work Permit

The most normal work permit through the IMP is the PGWP. Qualified overseas graduates from Designated Learning Institutions in Canada can receive a PGWP for a maximum of 3 years. 

Do you wish to work in Canada?

Do you wish to work in Canada?

If you are among the several thousands of aspiring candidates who intend to work in Canada, Nationwide Visas can be your reliable partner in facilitating the processing of your Canada Work Permit application. There are 100 plus immigration pathways for obtaining a Work Permit and choosing the most suitable option without professional assistance and support can be tough. 

We offer immigration and visa consultation services through our ICCRC accredited Immigration Consultants to ensure you a 100% compliant and error-free Canada Work Permit application.

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