Find your Canada CRS score in seconds

Check Your Eligibility

Choose the best answer:

  • If you’ve been invited to apply, enter your age on the date you were invited.
  • If you plan to complete an Express Entry profile, enter your current age.

Enter the highest level of education for which you:

  • earned a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate or
  • had an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) if you did your study outside Canada. (ECAs must be from an approved agency, in the last five years)

Note: a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate must either have been earned at an accredited Canadian university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute in Canada. Distance learning counts for education points, but not for bonus points in your profile or application.

Note: to answer yes:

  • English or French as a Second Language must not have made up more than half your study
  • you must not have studied under an award that required you to return to your home country after graduation to apply your skills and knowledge
  • you must have studied at a school within Canada (foreign campuses don’t count)
  • you had to be enrolled full time for at least eight months, and have been physically present in Canada for at least eight months

Official languages: Canada's official languages are English and French.

You need to submit language test results that are less than two years old for all programs under Express Entry, even if English or French is your first language.

Enter your test scores:

If so, which language test did you take for your second official language?

Test results must be less than two years old.

Enter your test scores for:

Work Experience

It must have been paid and full-time (or an equal amount in part-time).

Note: In Canada, the National Occupational Classification (NOC) is the official list of all the jobs in the Canadian labour market. It describes each job according to the training, education, experience and responsibilities (TEER) needed to work in the job.

"Skilled work" in the NOC is TEER 0, 1, 2 or 3 category jobs:

If you aren’t sure of the NOC TEER category for this job, you can find your NOC.

It must have been paid, full-time (or an equal amount in part-time), and in only one occupation (NOC skill type 0, A or B).

Note: A certificate of qualification lets people work in some skilled trades in Canada. Only the provinces, territories and a federal body can issue these certificates. To get one, a person must have them assess their training, trade experience and skills to and then pass a certification exam.

People usually have to go to the province or territory to be assessed. They may also need experience and training from an employer in Canada.

This isn’t the same as a nomination from a province or territory.

Additional Points

A valid job offer must be

  • full-time
  • in a skilled job listed as Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B in the 2011 National Occupational Classification
  • supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or exempt from needing one
  • for one year from the time you become a permanent resident

A job offer isn’t valid if your employer is:

  • an embassy, high commission or consulate in Canada or
  • on the list of ineligible employers.

Whether an offer is valid or not also depends on different factors, depending on your case. See a full list of criteria for valid job offers.

You can use our online tool to find out if you don’t know.

Note: to answer yes, the brother or sister must be:

  • 18 years old or older
  • related to you or your partner by blood, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption
  • have a parent in common with you or your partner

A brother or sister is related to you by:

  • blood (biological)
  • adoption
  • marriage (step-brother or step-sister)
  • earned a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate; or
  • had an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)? (ECAs must be from an approved agency, in the last five years)

To get the correct number of points, make sure you choose the answer that best reflects your case. For example:

If you have TWO Bachelor’s degrees, or one Bachelor’s AND a two year college diploma, choose – “Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees. One must be for a program of three or more years.”

It must have been paid, full-time (or an equal amount in part-time), and in one or more NOC 0, A or B jobs.

Test results must be less than two years old.

Enter the test scores for:

Your results

All Express Entry candidates get a score out of 1,200, based on the four parts of the Comprehensive Ranking System formula.

We invite the highest-ranking candidates from the pool to apply as a permanent resident through regular “rounds of invitations.” See what minimum scores have been in the past.

Why Choose Nationwide Visas CRS Calculator?

  • Check your Canada PR eligibility for free
  • Know your score in under 60 seconds
  • Tips to boost your CRS score
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CRS Calculator 2025

You can use our tool to calculate your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. The final score will be based on the answer you provide above. The CRS Calculator will primarily assess your:

  • Age
  • Skills
  • Language Proficiency
  • Work Experience
  • Other Factors

You can use this tool if you:

  • Are eligible to apply for at least one of the three Express Entry Streams 
  • Are yet to create an Express Entry profile, but you want to calculate your CRS score instantly
  • Were issued an ITA to apply for Canada PR, and you want to see if an update in your profile may affect your current CRS score.

How does the CRS Calculator work?

The CRS Score Calculator is a point-based system that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) uses to evaluate and score your profile to rank it in the federal Express Entry pool.

The point you get from the CRS Score Calculator includes a core set of up to 600 points and an additional set of up to 600 points. Your final score will be ranked out of 1,200.

A. Human Capital Factors

Factors Points per factor - With a spouse or common-law partner Points Per Factor - Without a Spouse or Common-law Partner
Age 100 110
Level of Education 140 150
Official Languages Proficiency 150 160
Canadian Work Experience 70 80

B. Spouse or Common-law Partner factors

Factors Points Per Factor(Maximum 40 points)
Level of Education 10
Official Languages Proficiency 20
Canadian Work Experience 10

A. Human Capital factors + B. Spouse or Common-law Partner factors = Maximum 500 points (with OR without a Spouse or Common-law Partner)

C. Skill Transferability factors (Maximum 100 Points)

Education Points Per Factor (Maximum 50 points)
With good/strong official language proficiency and a post-secondary degree 50
With Canadian work experience and a post-secondary degree 50

Foreign Work Experience Points Per Factor (Maximum 50 points)
With good/strong official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark [CLB] level 7 or higher) and foreign work experience 50
With Canadian work experience and foreign work experience 50

Certificate of Qualification (for people in Trade Occupations) Points Per Factor (Maximum 50 points)
With good/strong official language proficiency and a certificate of qualification 50

A. Human Capital factors + B. Spouse or Common-law Partner + C. Skill Transferability factors = Maximum 600 points

D. Additional factors (Maximum 600 Points)

Factors Maximum Points Per Factor
Brother or Sister living in Canada (Citizen or Permanent Resident) 15
French Language Skills
Post-secondary education in Canada
Arranged employment - TEER 0 Major Group 00
Arranged employment - NOC TEER 1, 2, or 3, or any TEER 0 other than Major Group 00
Provincial Nomination 600

A. Human Capital factors + B. Spouse or Common-law Partner factors + C. Skill Transferability factors + D. Additional points = Total (Your score) - Maximum 1,200 points


Calculate Your CRS Score

Comprehensive Ranking System calculator evaluates scores under the Canada Skilled Worker Points System.

Calculate Now

CRS Score Calculator: Points Breakdown (Section by Section)

Age With a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 100 points) Without a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 110 points)
17 years of age or less 0 0
18 years of age 90 99
19 years of age 95 105
20 to 29 years of age 100 110
30 years of age 95 105
31 years of age 90 99
32 years of age 85 94
33 years of age 80 88
34 years of age 75 83
35 years of age 70 77
36 years of age 65 72
37 years of age 60 66
38 years of age 55 61
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age or more

Level of Education
Level of Education With a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 140 points) Without a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 150 points)
Less than secondary school (high school) 0 0
Secondary diploma (high school graduation) 28 30
One-year degree, diploma, or certificate from a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 84 90
Two-year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 91 98
Bachelor's degree OR  a three or more year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 112 120
Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees. One must be for a program of three or more years 119 128
Master's degree, OR professional degree needed to practice in a licensed profession (For “professional degree,” the degree program must have been in medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry, law, chiropractic medicine, or pharmacy.) 126 135
Doctoral level university degree (Ph.D.) 140 150

Official Languages Proficiency
First Official Language
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per ability With a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 128 points) Without a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 136 points)
Less than CLB 4 0 0
CLB 4 or 5 6 6
CLB 6 8 9
CLB 7 16 17
CLB 8 22 23
CLB 9 29 31
CLB 10 or more 32 34
Second Official Language
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per ability With a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 22 points) Without a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 24 points)
CLB 4 or less 0 0
CLB 5 or 6 1 1
CLB 7 or 8 3 3
CLB 9 or more 6 6
Canadian Work Experience
Canadian Work Experience With a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 70 points)
Without a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 80 points)
None or less than a year 0 0
1 year 35 40
2 years 46 53
3 years 56 64
4 years
5 years or more
Level of Education
Spouse’s or Common-law Partner’s Level of Education With a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Maximum 10 points) Without a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Does not apply)
Less than secondary school (high school) 0 N/A
Secondary diploma (high school graduation) 2 N/A
One-year degree, diploma, or certificate from a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 6 N/A
Two-year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 7 N/A
Bachelor's degree OR  a three or more year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 8 N/A
Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees. One must be for a program of three or more years 9 N/A
Master's degree, OR professional degree needed to practice in a licensed profession (For “professional degree,” the degree program must have been in medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry, law, chiropractic medicine, or pharmacy.) 10 N/A
Doctoral level university degree (Ph.D.) 10 N/A
Official Languages Proficiency
First Official Language
Spouse’s Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per ability Maximum 20 points for section  Maximum 5 points per adaptability
Without a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Does not apply)
CLB 4 or less 0 N/A
CLB 5 or 6 1 N/A
CLB 7 or 8 3 N/A
CLB 9 or more 5 N/A
Canadian Work Experience
Canadian Work Experience Spouse’s Canadian Work Experience Maximum 10 points
Without a Spouse or Common-law Partner (Does not apply)
None or less than a year 0 N/A
1 year 5 N/A
2 years 7 N/A
3 years 8 N/A
4 years
5 years or more
With good official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark Level [CLB] 7 or higher) and a post-secondary degree Points for CLB 7 or more on all first official language abilities, with one or more under CLB 9 (Maximum 25 points) Points for CLB 9 or more on all four first official language abilities (Maximum 50 points)
Secondary school (high school) credential or less 0 0
Post-secondary program credential of one year or longer 13 25
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials was issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer 25 50
A university-level credential at the master’s level or at the level of an entry-to-practice professional degree for an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification matrix at Skill Level A for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required 25 50
A university-level credential at the doctoral level 25 50
With Canadian work experience and a post-secondary degree Points for education + 1 year of Canadian work experience (Maximum 25 points) Points for education + 2 years or more of Canadian work experience (Maximum 50 points)
Secondary school (high school) credential or less 0 0
Post-secondary program credential of one year or longer 13 25
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials was issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer 25 50
A university-level credential at the master’s level or at the level of an entry-to-practice professional degree for an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification matrix at Skill Level A for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required 25 50
A university-level credential at the doctoral level 25 50
Foreign Work Experience
Foreign work experience - With good official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark Level [CLB] 7 or higher) Points for foreign work experience + CLB 7 or more on all first official language abilities, one or more under 9 (Maximum 25 points) Points for foreign work experience + CLB 9 or more on all four first official language abilities (Maximum 50 points)
No foreign work experience 0 0
1 or 2 years of foreign work experience 13 25
3 years or more of foreign work experience 25 50
Foreign work experience - With Canadian work experience Points for foreign work experience + 1 year of Canadian work experience (Maximum 25 points) Points for foreign work experience + 2 years or more of Canadian work experience (Maximum 50 points)
No foreign work experience 0 0
1 or 2 years of foreign work experience 13 25
3 years or more of foreign work experience 25 50
Certificate of Qualification (for people in Trade Occupations)
With good official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark Level [CLB] 5 or higher) Points for certificate of qualification + CLB 5 or more on all first official language abilities, one or more under 7 (Maximum 25 points) Points for certificate of qualification + CLB 7 or more on all four first official language abilities (Maximum 50 points)
With a certificate of qualification 25 50
Additional points Maximum 600 points
Brother or sister living in Canada who is a citizen or permanent resident of Canada 15
Scored NCLC 7 or higher on all four French language skills and scored CLB 4 or lower in English (or didn’t take an English test) 25
Scored NCLC 7 or higher on all four French language skills and scored CLB 5 or higher on all four English skills 50
Post-secondary education in Canada - credential of one or two years 15
Post-secondary education in Canada - credential three years or longer 30
Arranged employment - NOC TEER 0 Major group 00 200
Arranged employment - NOC TEER 1, 2, or 3, or any TEER 0 other than Major Group 00 50
Provincial or territorial nomination

Minimum CRS score for Canada PR in 2025

The minimum CRS score required to apply for Canada PR in 2025 according to the Express Entry latest draw is 521.

There is no fixed score, but candidates with higher CRS scores have better chances.

The CRS score depends on factors such as Age, Education, Work Experience, Language Proficiency, and more. It is essential to regularly check official updates from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or an immigration consultant, as CRS score requirements can change.

Latest Express Entry Draw 2024

Ways to improve points in CRS Score Calculator

There are several ways to improve your points in the CRS score calculator - and increase your chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) in the next Express Entry draw are listed below.

Improve your language proficiency score

If you haven’t already achieved a high score in your language proficiency exam, you can retake the exam to boost your CRS score. For instance, if you secure CLB Level 9 in the language test, you can add a maximum of 136 points to your final score. Similarly, appearing in a French language test can add another maximum of 24 points to the CRS Score Calculator.

Receive a Provincial Nomination (PN)

If you manage to receive an ITA from any one of the 13 provinces and territories in Canada, you will be awarded 600 extra points to your profile in Express Entry. A provincial nomination effectively guarantees an invitation to apply for Canada PR. Some of the easiest Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) in Canada to apply for a nomination include Saskatchewan’s International Skilled Worker, Alberta’s Express Entry Stream, and Ontario’s Human Capital Priorities Stream.

Ways to improve points in CRS Score Calculator

Get an LMIA Approved job offer

If you get a valid job offer from a Canadian employer, you can receive an additional 200 points to your final CRS score. But, your job offer must be LMIA (Labor Market Impact Assessment) approved. While it isn't easy to find a job in Canada, it is also not impossible.

Study experience in Canada

There were a total of 807,750 study permit holders in higher education by 2022 year-end. The Canadian education system has for a long time - proven to be the best among the study-abroad destinations in the world. You can get 15 to 30 CRS points for a Canadian education credential gained in Canada. Many newcomers choose to apply for a Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) after studying in Canada for a while, which lets them gain Canadian work experience - which is a stepping stone for Canada PR. 

Include Common-Law Partner/ Spouse

Immigrating to Canada your Common-law Partner or Spouse in the application will fetch you extra points. The language proficiency of the Common-law Partner or Spouse can get a maximum of 20 points, while their work experience and education in Canada will fetch them 10 additional points individually. In total, you can add a maximum of 40 extra points to your final CRS score.

Work experience in Canada

You can add a maximum of 150 points to your CRS score if you have documented full-time work experience in Canada and abroad. This will be points for foreign work experience + Canadian work experience. Check out the Canada occupation in-demand list 2025 to find a job that best matches your work experience.

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Eligibility Calculator for Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)

Labour Market Success
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Education and Training 23
Skilled Work Experience 15
Language Ability 20
Connection to Saskatchewan Labour Market & Adaptability
Selection Factors Maximum Points
High-skilled employment offer from a Saskatchewan employer 30
Close family relative in Saskatchewan 20
Past work experience in Saskatchewan 5
Past student experience in Saskatchewan 5

Calculate CRS score instantly: Saskatchewan PNP Points Calculator

Economic Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Skill Level of the B.C. Job Offer 60
Wage of the B.C. Job Offer 50
Regional District of Employment 10
Human Capital Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Directly Related Work Experience 25
Highest Level of Education 25
Language 30

Calculate CRS score instantly: BC PNP Points Calculator

Human Capital Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
First Language Proficiency 20
Second Language Proficiency 5
Age 10
Work Experience (in the past five years)
Adaptability Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Close relative in Manitoba 20
Invitation to Apply received from MPNP as part of recruitment mission or exploratory visit 20
Previous work experience in Manitoba (at least six months) 12
Completed post-secondary program of two years or more in Manitoba 12
Completed post-secondary program of at least one year in Manitoba
Friend or distant relative living in Manitoba
Bonus: Intention to reside outside Winnipeg

Calculate CRS score instantly: Manitoba PNP Points Calculator

Human Capital Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Education 25
Language Proficiency 28
Work Experience 15
Arranged Employment in Nova Scotia
Adaptability Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Arranged employment (principal applicant only) 5
Your previous study in Nova Scotia 5
Your accompanying spouse or common-law partner’s previous study in Nova Scotia 5
Your previous work in Nova Scotia 10
Your accompanying spouse or common-law partner’s previous work in Nova Scotia
Relatives in Nova Scotia
Your accompanying spouse or common-law partner’s level of language proficiency

Calculate CRS score instantly: Nova Scotia PNP Points Calculator

Human Capital Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Language Proficiency 28
Education 25
Work Experience 15
Arranged Employment in Canada
Adaptability Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
PA previous work in Canada (minimum of 1 year in skilled occupation NOC type 0, A or B) 10
Relatives in Canada 18 years or more who are residing in Canada and is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident 5
Accompanying spouse/partner's official language (CLB/NCLC 4) 5
A previous study in Canada 5
A previous study in Canada -  accompanying spouse/partner
Previous work in Canada  - accompanying spouse/partner
Arranged employment in Canada
Relative in Canada - 18 years or older
Language ability CLB 4 or above-accompanying spouse/partner (IELTS 4.0/4.5/3.5/4.0)

Calculate CRS score instantly: Alberta PNP Points Calculator

Human Capital Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Language Proficiency 28
Education 25
Work Experience 15
Arranged Employment in Canada
Adaptability Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Arranged employment (principal applicant only) 5
Candidate's previous study in Ontario 5
Spouse or common-law partner’s previous study in Ontario 5
Candidate's previous work in Ontario 10
Spouse or common-law partner’s previous work in Ontario
Relatives in Ontario
Arranged employment in Canada
Relative in Canada - 18 years or older
Spouse or common-law partner’s level of language proficiency

Calculate CRS score instantly: Ontario PNP Points Calculator

Quebec Immigration

Human Capital Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Education 14
Area Of Training 12
Validated Employment Offer 14
Work Experience
Language Proficiency
Adaptability Factors
Selection Factors Maximum Points
Stay And Family In Quebec 8
Spouse/Common-law partner Characteristics 17
Presence Of Accompanying Children 8
Financial Self-Sufficiency 1

How Nationwide Visas Can Help You?

CICC Registered


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True & Transparent

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Process Time 9-12 Months

Process Time
9-12 Months

We at Nationwide Visas have assisted thousands of individuals to successfully immigrate to Canada with their families through the Federal Express Entry Program. Our qualified and experienced Immigration Experts are equipped with the proficiency to accurately assess your case and advise the most suitable course of action for best serving your needs.

Nationwide has accumulated a treasure of goodwill and exhaustive experience over the last 17+ years in this dynamic immigration industry and has constantly facilitated a wide range of aspiring immigrants to achieve their overseas goals.

We are among the top-most brands in the Immigration sector being a highly reliable immigration firm with an outstanding track record of several thousands of triumphant PR Visa applications. The following major factors make us the Best Immigration Consultant in India :

Our Consultation is offered by authorized and licensed Immigration Consultants

Step-by-Step guidance through eligibility and process

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Every Case is assessed multiple times before submission

Easy evaluation of the qualifications and other skills


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Frequently Asked Question

  • What if my CRS score is below 400 points?

    Other than the Express entry program, there is a provincial nomination program (PNP) that can provide you another immigration pathway to Canada PR Visa with a low CRS score. Many PNPs programs require a low CRS score to be eligible like SINP - Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program, etc. Also, the AIPP - Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program provides another immigration pathway to Canada PR Visa with a CRS score of fewer than 400 points.

  • The Provincial Nominee Program - PNP is a path that can get you to Canada even with a low CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System) score. Recently, Alberta invited migrants with a CRS as low as 300. Canadas PNP target is expected to increase to 67,800 in 2020 and 71,300 in 2021.

  • Looking at the recent all program Express Entry draws, the CRS score cut-off has been between 470 to 475 CRS points. For now, the good CRS score is to score around 470 points, this can ensure you get an ITA to apply for a Canada PR Visa.

  • With the CRS score, express entry ranks the profiles in the express entry pool. Higher ranked profiles are for immigrants with high-demanding skills and higher work experience. To target only those immigrants with high skill-sets, IRCC mainly invites those to express entry profiles with a higher CRS score, thus increasing the CRS score cut-off. But these profiles are in limited numbers, and to meet the admission targets for new immigrants, the CRS score for Canada PR Visa is bound to decrease.

  • NOC codes affect your CRS scores in two ways:

    • To get the CRS points for work experience, you need to have required work experience in NOC skill level 0, A or B.
    • Second, you can also get extra CRS points depending on the NOC level of your job offered in your job offer letter. For example, for a NOC 00 level job you get extra 200 CRS points.



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