2 Million Job Vacancies in Germany | 150,000 Employed in Sep

2 Million Job Vacancies in Germany | 150,000 Employed in Sep

Surya Rathee Surya Rathee
[Published 04 Nov, 2022 | 07:10 AM]
About Author - 2 min read

“Skilled workers in Germany ensure innovation, competitiveness, growth, employment, prosperity, and quality of life. Considering the current demographic development, securing the need for skilled workers is one of the key challenges of the coming decades.”

2 Million Job Vacancies in Germany

According to the Prognos Research Institute. There could be a lack of approximately three million skilled workers, technicians, researchers, and medical professionals by 2030.

  • Currently, there are over 2 million job vacancies in Germany owing to the severe shortage in the workforce.
  • Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the employment rate in Germany crossed 0.3% in 2019.
  • The unemployment rate was adjusted – and reached 3% in October compared to 2021.
  • Over 150,000 new immigrants were employed in Germany during September 2022.
  • The German government has simplified the immigration and recruiting process for foreign workers to handle the shortages.
  • Germany is facing drastic labor shortages in popular in-demand occupations such as Construction, Hospitality, Elderly Care, Software Development, Nursing, Management, Lawyers, and Healthcare.

If you are interested in working in Germany or applying for a Job Seeker Visa – now is the best time to do so, as the country is facing enormous challenges in filling open job vacancies that require skilled foreign workers. In response to the 2 million job vacancies, the German government has identified categories of skilled and qualified workers needed to solve the shortage of professionals in the country.

Check Eligibility for Germany Visa

The categories of qualified professionals required by the country are recognized by the German government as follows:

Category 1: Skilled professionals who either have had two-year vocational training or a qualification of similar nature. Examples of job titles include Underground work, Sanitary, air conditioning, and heating technology, Elderly care, Maintenance and installation of electric circuits, Canal and tunnel construction, and Well construction.

Category 2: Specialists who have undergone training as a technician or craftspeople. Examples of job titles include Underground work, Plumbing, sanitary, Heating, and air conditioning technology, Tax counseling, Physiotherapy, Ergotherapy, and Speech therapy.

Category 3: Experts who have a university education of at least four years. Examples of job titles include Software development, Lawyers, Management, Anesthesiology, Internal medicine, Pharmacists and supervision, Nursing, and Emergency medical services.

Although the country is facing drastic labor market shortages, the German government has simplified the Germany Immigration and recruiting process for foreign workers to handle the shortages.


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