Australia conducts its first Canberra Matrix draw of 2023!

Australia conducts its first Canberra Matrix draw of 2023!

Surya Rathee Surya Rathee
[Published 25 Jan, 2023 | 05:51 AM]
About Author - 2 min read

On January 23rd, 2023, the Australian government conducted a new Canberra Matrix invitation round – the first of the year 2023. This invitation round saw a total of 632 invitations being issued to Canberra Residents and Overseas Applicants. 

Out of the total candidates invited to apply for Australian Capital Territory (ACT) nominations – 312 were issued to Canberra residents, whereas, the remaining 320 invitations were issued to Overseas Applicants. 

Higher ITAs and lower score requirements than the previous Canberra Matrix invitation round held on December 22, 2022. 

The ACT has issued these 632 invitations to candidates registered under the following streams:

Canberra Residents

Matrix nominating Small Business Owner

  • Subclass 190 visa nominations: 9 invitations with a minimum matrix score of 75. 
  • Subclass 491 visa nominations: 3 invitations with a minimum matrix score of 65.

Matrix nominating 457/482 visa holders

  • Subclass 190 visa nominations: 1 invitation. 
  • Subclass 491 visa nominations: - invitations.

Matrix nominating Critical Skills Occupations

  • Subclass 190 visa nominations: 200 invitations.
  • Subclass 491 visa nominations: 99 invitations.

Overseas Applicants

  • Subclass 190 visa nominations: 17 invitations. 
  • Subclass 491 visa nominations: 303 invitations. 

Date: January 23, 2022

Category Number of invitations issued Total Canberra Matrix Invitation
Canberra Residents 312 632
Overseas applicants 320

According to the 2022-2023 Allocation of ACT Nomination Pages:

  • Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) visa: 2,025 places. 
  • Skilled Work Regional (Subclass 491) visa: 2,025 places. 

As of January 23rd Canberra Matrix Invitation Round: 

Total Approvals: 1359 approvals | Subclass 190 – 441 approvals | Subclass 491 – 918 approvals.

Total Refusals: 308 refusals | Subclass 190 – 75 refusals (15%) | Subclass 491 – 233 refusals (20%). 

Remaining Allocation: 2,691 nomination places (512 per month) | Subclass 190 – 1,584 (pro rata 301 per month) | Subclass 491 – 1,107 (pro rata 211 per month). 

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has a fixed number of nomination places available each month – pro-rata against the annual allocation. The highest ranked Matrix in each occupation in demand in Australia is invited to apply for ACT nomination. The cut-off for the nomination depends on the date & time of the Matrix 


Ravinder Singh

Very good

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