First Manitoba PNP Draw Of September Invites 558 Candidates!

First Manitoba PNP Draw Of September Invites 558 Candidates!

Surya Rathee Surya Rathee
[Published 12 Sep, 2023 | 04:21 AM]
About Author - 4 min read

Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) has conducted a new invitation round under its Expression of Interest (EOI) system.

The Manitoba PNP latest draw held on September 07, 2023, saw invitations being issued to 558 candidates under all three MPNP streams i.e., Skilled Workers in Manitoba, International Education Stream, and Skilled Worker Overseas. Invited candidates required minimum CRS scores ranging from 595 and 724 to be eligible to receive an ITA.

The September 07th draw is a continuation of Manitoba conducting invitation rounds with higher ITAs and lower CRS scores. The back-to-back draws being conducted by Manitoba PNP, clearly indicate that the province seeks to increase the number of candidates eligible to receive a provincial nomination under its MPNP-managed streams.

Check eligibility to apply under Manitoba PNP

Expression of Interest Draw #193

Skilled Worker in Manitoba

Occupation-specific selection

Profiles declaring current employment in Manitoba, in occupations identified with high labor needs were considered.

  • Number of LAAs issued: 230
  • Ranking of the lowest-ranked candidate invited: 595

The occupations under the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 were considered in this draw:

20 - Specialized middle management occupations in engineering, architecture, science, and information systems
21 - Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
22 - Technical occupations related to natural and applied sciences
30 - Specialized middle management occupations in healthcare
31 - Professional occupations in health
32 - Technical occupations in health
33 - Assisting occupations in support of health services
40 - Managers in public administration, education and social and community services, and in public protection services
41 - Professional occupations in law, education, social, community, and government services
42 - Front-line public protection services and paraprofessional occupations in legal, social, community, and education services
43 - Assisting occupations in education and legal and public protection
44 - Care providers and legal and public protection support occupations
45 - Student monitors, crossing guards, and related occupations
50 - Specialized middle management occupations in art, culture, recreation, and sport
51 - Professional occupations in art and culture
52 - Technical occupations in art, culture, and sport
53 - Occupations in art, culture, and sport
54 - Support occupations in sport
55 - Support occupations in art and culture

All occupations

All profiles that were not selected in the occupation-specific selection were considered.

  • Number of LAAs issued: 236
  • Ranking of the lowest-ranked candidate invited: 640

International Education Stream

Profiles that declared meeting International Education Stream eligibility requirements.

  • Number of LAAs issued: 52

Skilled Worker Overseas

Profiles that declared being directly invited by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative.

  • Number of LAAs issued: 40
  • Ranking of the lowest-ranked candidate invited: 724

Of the 558 invitations issued in this draw, 158 were issued to candidates who declared a valid Express Entry profile number and job seeker validation code.

Manitoba PNP Points Calculator

The MPNP invites the highest-scoring candidates in the pool to submit a full application to the MPNP. Manitoba PNP draws are usually held on a bi-weekly basis - with some exceptions. The frequency, size, and date of the next draws are determined by the needs of the province’s application inventory.

It is important to note that the specific requirements and scoring criteria can vary over time and may be adjusted based on the changing needs of the province. Generally, candidates with higher scores and those who possess skills or work experience in professions listed on the Manitoba In-demand Occupation List have a greater chance of receiving an invitation to apply for Canada PR.



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