Latest British Columbia PNP draw invites over 163 candidates!

Latest British Columbia PNP draw invites over 163 candidates!

Surya Rathee Surya Rathee
[Published 11 Aug, 2022 | 06:10 AM]
About Author - 4 min read

On August 10th, British Columbia conducted a new BC PNP draw, issuing Invitation to Apply (ITA) to over 163 candidates. 

ITAs issued on the August 11 draw were divided across Skilled Workers, International Graduates, and Entry-level & Semi-skilled candidates. Here are the details of the this latest BC PNP draw

Targeted Draw: Regional (including tech occupations): 155 ITAs.

  • Skilled Workers with a minimum score of 105. 
  • Skilled Workers - EEBC option with a minimum score of 114. 
  • International Graduates with a minimum score of 87. 
  • International Graduates - EEBC option with a minimum score of 97.
  • Entry-level and Semi-skilled candidates with a minimum score of 76.

Targeted Draw: Regional, Childcare: Early Childhood Educators (NOC 4215): 5 ITAs

  • Skilled Workers, International Graduates including EEBC option with a minimum score of 60. 

Targeted Draw: Healthcare: <5 ITAs

  • Skilled Workers, International Graduates, Entry-level & Semi-Skilled candidates including EEBC option with a minimum score of 60.

Targeted Draw: Healthcare: Healthcare Assistants (NOC 3413): <5 ITAs

  • Entry-level and Semi-skilled candidates with a minimum score of 60.

Targeted Draw: Regional, other priority occupations (NOC 3114, 3213)

  • Skilled Workers, International Graduates including EEBC option with a minimum score of 60. 

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British Columbia PNP: General Information

BC PNP is a point-based immigration system, where it uses the BC PNP points calculator to rank candidates in the registration pool. 

The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) on a weekly basis, issues invitations to eligible candidates that can help support and sustain the province’s economy. 

The BC PNP is an economic immigration program administered by the Government of British Colubmia. The program allows the province to nominate forign workers, international graduates, and entrepreneurs to meet the labor market shortages - and in turn the economy. 

Candidates applying for a BC nomination are required to submit an application to the BC PNP online portal. Information provided in the registration is used to rank and invite candidates for permanent residency.

The number and frequency of ITAs issued in a draw for all categories under the BC PNP are managed to maintain a standard processing time for all candidates – and further support British Columbia’s priorities.

Currently, the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) issue invitation to registrants in the following categories:

  • Skilled Worker
  • International Graduate
  • Entry Level and Semi-Skilled
  • Entrepreneur Immigration – Base Category
  • Entrepreneur Immigration – Regional Pilot

Candidates nominated can apply to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to become a permanent resident of Canada.


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