Manitoba PNP conducts another occupation-specific EOI draw!

Manitoba PNP conducts another occupation-specific EOI draw!

Surya Rathee Surya Rathee
[Published 11 Mar, 2023 | 04:06 AM]
About Author - 3 min read

Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) conducted a new Expression of Interest (EOI) draw on March 9, 2023 – issuing a total of 597 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) to candidates from three streams managed under the MPNP: Skilled Workers in Manitoba, International Education Stream, and Skilled Worker Overseas.

Manitoba Points Calculator

This was the second consecutive time that Manitoba conducted an EOI draw where Skilled Workers in Manitoba were invited under “occupation-specific” and “all occupation” categories. The previous one-of-a-kind draw was held on February 23.

Who was invited?

Skilled Workers in Manitoba


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) issued: 224
  • Ranking score of the lowest-ranked candidate invited: 612

Profiles with current employment in Manitoba in occupations with the highest labor shortages identified in the Manitoba in-demand occupation list were considered in this category. The occupations under the following National Occupation Classification (NOC) major group 65 (sales and service support occupations) were considered in this draw:

  • 651 - Sales support occupations.
  • 652 - Support occupations in food, accommodation, and tourism.
  • 653 - Support occupations in cleaning and related services.

All occupations

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) issued: 277
  • Ranking score of the lowest-ranked candidate invited: 675

International Education Stream

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) issued: 53

Skilled Worker Overseas

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) issued: 43
  • Ranking score of the lowest-ranked candidate invited: 666

Out of the total 597 Letters of Advice issued in the latest Manitoba draw - 45 LAAs were issued to candidates showcasing a valid Express Entry ID and Job Seeker validation code.

Date Number of invitations Minimum CRS points Category
March 09, 2023224
612Skilled Workers Manitoba
(All occupations)
53 - International Education Stream
43 666 Skilled Workers Overseas

Immigrating to Manitoba becomes easier

This latest Manitoba PNP draw is a continuation of Manitoba conducting invitation rounds with high LAAs. In the previous EOI draw held on February 23, Manitoba invited a total of 583 candidates – an increase of 14 LAAs.

CRS scores also dropped in almost every category. In the previous draw, candidates required a score of:

  • 615 to be eligible for Skilled Workers in Manitoba (occupation-specific) - 3-point drop.
  • 693 to be eligible for Skilled Workers in Manitoba (all occupations) - 18-point drop.
  • 721 to be eligible for Skilled Worker Overseas - 55-point drop.

With back-to-back draws being conducted with higher LAAs and lower scores by Manitoba, it clearly indicates that the province targets to increase the number of candidates eligible to receive a provincial nomination under MPNP-managed streams.

Now is indeed the best time to immigrate to Canada.


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