PEI PNP latest draw issues 59 Labour and Express Entry invitations

PEI PNP latest draw issues 59 Labour and Express Entry invitations

Surya Rathee Surya Rathee
[Published 27 Nov, 2024 | 05:48 AM]
About Author - 4 min read

The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP) has conducted a new draw.

PEI PNP draws are conducted based on the draw schedule announced at the beginning of every year. Prince Edward Island is the only province in Canada that makes its draw schedule public. In 2024, we can expect 16 PEI PNP draws.

If you have been invited to this PEI PNP latest draw, you will receive an email with your file number and instructions for submitting your application. At this stage, you will need to complete the required application forms, and your employer must fill out the employer forms.

PEI PNP Latest Draw - Results

The PEI PNP latest draw was held on November 21, 2024. A total of 59 candidates from PEI’s Labour & Express Entry stream were invited to apply for a provincial nomination.

Invitation DateStreamNo. of Invitations Selection Attributes
November 21, 2024 Labour & Express Entry59Invitations were issued to individuals currently working in PEI in Healthcare & Construction, and individuals with Work Permits expiring in 2024 in Manufacturing.
November 21, 2024 Business Work Permit Entrepreneur-

No Business Work Permit Entrepreneur invitations were issued in this draw.

Over the last 12 months, the Prince Edward Island PNP has issued 21 invitations to Business Work Permit Entrepreneur candidates and 1,216 invitations to Labour & Express Entry candidates.

  • Labor & Express Entry invitations over the last 12 months: 98%
  • Business Work Permit Entrepreneur invitations over the last 12 months: 2%

If you didn't receive an invitation this time, your profile will stay active in the candidate pool. There's no need to withdraw your application - you might be selected in the next PEI PNP draw. These draws are based on the announced PEI PNP draw schedule.

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How do PEI PNP draws work?

Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) draws are an excellent opportunity for skilled workers, entrepreneurs, and graduates to settle in this picturesque province of Canada. These draws are held regularly by the PEI PNP to invite eligible candidates to apply for provincial nomination.

Candidates need to create a profile in the PEI Expression of Interest (EOI) system. Based on their skills, work experience, education, and other factors, they receive a score. The highest-scoring candidates are invited through the PEI PNP latest draws.

Selection factors

  • Language: English or French;
  • Education: level and field of education and where completed;
  • Skill and work experience level;
  • Strategic priorities: attributes that would address immediate labour market needs in PEI;

Other factors relevant to employment prospects: including but not limited to having a job offer in PEI and/or previous Canadian work experience.

A provincial nomination from PEI adds 600 points to your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score in Canada’s Express Entry system, significantly boosting your chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency (PR).

PEI PNP draws provide a clear pathway for individuals seeking to make PEI their home while contributing to its economy and community growth.

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