Quebec Latest Draw Invites 1,433 Candidates Under RSWP

Quebec Latest Draw Invites 1,433 Candidates Under RSWP

Surya Rathee Surya Rathee
[Published 13 Sep, 2023 | 04:38 AM]
About Author - 3 min read

Quebec's Ministry of Immigration, Frenchisation, and Integration (MIFI) has conducted its first draw of September.

The Quebec Arrima latest draw held on September 7, 2023, saw invitations being issued to a total of 1,433 candidates under the Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP). Invited candidates required a score equal to or greater than 586 points to be eligible for this invitation round.

This was the 12th Quebec RSWP draw held in 2023. The date and time of extraction from the Arrima bank was September 5, 2023, at 6:30 a.m. The previous Quebec RSWP draw was held on August 24.

Check eligibility to apply for Quebec Immigration

Quebec Arrima Latest Draw: Key Highlights

The decisions to invite candidates to submit an application for the permanent selection made on the basis of invitation criteria were public under section 45 of the Québec Immigration Act. Invitations in the Quebec Arrima latest draw were issued to 1,433 candidates who met the following eligibility criteria:

  • They had a level 7 oral proficiency (or higher) in French according to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes (Québec scale of French proficiency levels for adult immigrants) or its equivalent.
  • They had a score equal to or greater than 586 points.

These invitations were also addressed to candidates meeting the following criteria:

  • They had a valid job offer outside the territory of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal.

Quebec’s Regular Skilled Worker Program

The Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program is a popular immigration pathway for individuals seeking to settle in the Canadian province of Quebec. This program is designed for skilled workers who wish to contribute to Quebec's economy and society.

Once candidates file their Expression of Interest (EOI) on Arrima, it will be placed in the EOI Bank.

From this bank, candidates whose profile corresponds to Québec’s needs and who have good potential for integration are invited to submit an application for permanent selection.

Quebec Points Calculator

The invitations are sent according to one or more criteria:

  • Criteria related to human capital.
  • Criteria related to the needs of the labor market in Québec and government priorities.
  • Criteria related to the spouse or de facto spouse (if applicable).
  • Other criteria including the destination region in Québec and the profession practiced.

If you have been invited, you will receive a notification in your Arrima message center - with the information needed to access the form and submit an application for permanent selection. You may receive an invitation to submit your permanent selection application at any time. It is therefore important to regularly update your EOI profile.



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