What is the average salary in the USA in 2025?
The average salary in USA per month or year varies widely across industries, jobs, age, experience & education, and geographical locations. According to the latest figures by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the average salary in USA per month is $5,677 or $68,124 per year. As of 2023, the gross minimum salary in the USA is $32.75 per hour.
Salaries range from $32,916 to $112,268 per year and include housing, transport, and other benefits. The median salary is $68,124 per year, meaning that 50% of the USA's population is earning less than $68,124 per year – while the others earn more than the median.
Want to Live in USA & Earn in Dollars?Check Your Eligibility For USA Visa Now What is the average salary in each US state in 2025?
Due to the sudden increase in the number of job vacancies in the United States of America, the average salary has drastically increased in almost every state in the USA. The average salary in USA per month remains high in strong locations such as Washington and Massachusetts. The United States of America is divided into 50 states.
The following table illustrates the average salary in the respective USA state:
Alabama | $58,292 |
Alaska | $69,056 |
Arizona | $64,896 |
Arkansas | $53,872 |
California | $83,876 |
Colorado | $74,412 |
Connecticut | $76,960 |
Delaware | $65,988 |
District of Columbia
| $112,268
Florida | $63,336 |
Georgia | $64,948 |
Hawaii | $63,752 |
Idaho | $55,536 |
Illinois | $69,992 |
Indiana | $57,980 |
Iowa | $57,824 |
Kansas | $56,524 |
Kentucky | $56,784 |
Louisiana | $57,564 |
Maine | $58,708 |
Maryland | $74,048 |
Massachusetts | $85,436 |
Michigan | $63,856 |
Minnesota | $69,108 |
Mississippi | $48,204 |
Missouri | $59,904 |
Montana | $55,744 |
Nebraska | $57,772 |
Nevada | $62,452 |
New Hampshire | $70,200 |
New Jersey | $75,712 |
New Mexico
| $56,992
New York | $83,720 |
North Carolina | $63,544 |
North Dakota | $62,660 |
Ohio | $61,620 |
Oklahoma | $54,704 |
Oregon | $67,652 |
Pennsylvania | $66,716 |
Puerto Rico
| $32,916
Rhode Island
| $64,168
South Carolina | $56,472 |
South Dakota | $55,016 |
Tennessee | $62,348 |
Texas | $69,472 |
Utah | $62,140 |
Vermont | $59,332 |
Virgin Islands | $49,556 |
Virginia | $71,916 |
Washington | $87,464 |
West Virginia | $54,288 |
Wisconsin | $58,916 |
Wyoming | $57,772 |
Surprising as it may seem to some, the average annual salary in Washington and Massachusetts has increased to meet or exceed the rate observed in these states. The average wage in every state in the United States of America is virtually identical
Check Your Eligibility In 60 SecondsHow much salary can you earn in different USA job sectors (2025)?
The following table shows the average salary in USA across different job sectors:
| AVERAGE SALARY (per year) |
Mining and logging | $1,769.40
| $92,009 |
Construction | $1,459.92
| $75,916 |
Manufacturing | $1,332.66
| $69,298 |
Wholesale trade | $1,461.95
| $76,021 |
Retail trade | $720.27
| $37,454 |
Transportation and warehousing | $1,161.66
| $60,406 |
Utilities | $2,146.73
| $111,630 |
Information | $1,778.14
| $92,463 |
Financial activities | $1,685.24
| $87,632 |
Professional and business services | $1,511.69
| $78,608 |
Private education and health services | $1,125.81
| $58,542 |
Leisure and hospitality | $557.82
| $29,007 |
Other services | $1,009.70
| $52,504 |
Which industries have seen the most growth in the USA 2025?
At present, certain in-demand industries in the United States of America have contributed the most to the country’s ever-growing economy. For immigrants who apply for a job in USA – the highest salary jump for full-time employees was found in those working in the Education and health services sector – followed by Construction and Leisure and hospitality. The following industries showcase the share of economic sectors in the gross domestic product (GDP) – that have recorded the highest growth.
- Natural resources and mining: 0.5%
- Construction:2.2%
- Manufacturing: 0.2%
- Trade, transportation, and utilities: 0.3%
- Information: -5.6%
- Financial activities: 0.5%
- Professional and business services: -1.1%
- Education and health services: 4.4%
- Leisure and hospitality: 3.4%
- Other services: 2.5%
Highest paying jobs in the USA
The jobs with the highest average salary in the USA are Oral and maxillofacial surgeons, Surgeons, and Pediatric surgeons.
- Oral and maxillofacial surgeons - $239,200 per year
- Surgeons, all other - $239,200 per year
- Pediatric surgeons - $239,200 per year
- Orthopedic surgeons, except pediatric - $239,200 per year
- Radiologists - $239,200 per year
- Physicians, pathologists - $239,200 per year
- Obstetricians and gynecologists - $239,200 per year
- Emergency medicine physicians - $239,200 per year
- Dermatologists - $239,200 per year
- Cardiologists - $239,200 per year
- Anesthesiologists - $239,200 per year
- Psychiatrists - $226,880 per year
- Neurologists - $224,260 per year
- Physicians, all other - $223,410 per year
- Ophthalmologists, except pediatric - $219,810 per year
- General internal medicine physicians - $214,460 per year
- Dentists, all other specialists - $212,740 per year
- Airline pilots, copilots, and flight engineers - $211,790 per year
- Family medicine physicians - $211,300 per year
- Nurse anesthetists - $203,090 per year
Identifying the potential average salary in the USA per month or year as per your requirements can be a time-consuming task – especially for first-time job seekers. Considering the immense number of immigrants and residents of the USA applying for a job – the American government offers a slightly higher minimum wage per hour – as compared to other countries.
The United States of America is undoubtedly one of the best places to look for employment. Immigrants wanting to work in the Land of the Free can have access to a wide range of benefits including better job opportunities, stronger networking, and a road map to apply for USA PR from India.
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